- District meets with GT Center parents 9/27/17 to form study group to document Wheat Ridge success in hopes of opening similar high school GT center schools in north and south Jefferson County.
- Governor Hickenlooper proclaims Oct. 16-20, 2017 to be Gifted and Talented Education Week in the State of Colorado.
- JAGC & Edgwater Collective host a school board candidate forum 10/25 at Jefferson JR./Sr. High School.
- JAGC Legislative Committee works with CDE to craft Colorado ESSA regulations including advanced learners (GT) earning Colorado a "strong" rating with the U.S. Department of Education.
- SPARKS, Jeffco advanced student (GT) summer camp will be held June 18-29 at Golden High School. Registration opens February 1. See the NEWSLETTER tab for more information.
- Jeffco spring GT Center testing applications close January 16th. Early access testing for advanced pre-schoolers opens in January. Click on the NEWSLETTER tab for additional info.
- Early access session part of Jeffco GT Parent Seminar, Jan. 29, see Newsletter tab for more information.
- JAGC Twitter feed recognized by OEDb as one of "Essential Links" for parents of GT kids! Check it out, #12, at http://oedb.org/ilibrarian/50-essential-links-for-the-parents-of-gifted-children.
- GT Parent Seminar, "Creating 21st Century Innovators" presented by Ian Byrd, creator of ByrdSeed.com, Monday, 2/26. For details check out the Newsletter tab.
- Join the JAGC Board. The nominating period is open. Find the details here!
- Society for Science & the Public and Regeneron named the 40 finalists in the Regeneron Science Talent Search, the nation's oldest and most prestigious science and math competition for high school seniors. Students are selected based upon their scientific research and also on their overall potential as future leaders of the scientific community.
- For additional information on how the PISA exam is administered click here or visit http://www.oecd.org/pisa/pisa-2015-results-in-focus.pdf
- Deadline to register for the Jeffco GT Share Fair is March 23. Click here for more information.
- 2018 Summer Camp list is out! Click on the RESOURCES tab and choose SUMMER PROGRAMS in the menu!
- Experience the Jeffco GT Share Fair and see what our advanced students are up to! April 24, 6:30 p.m. at the Ed Center 5th floor, Board Room.
- Participate in the Teen Literature Conference April 17, 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at the Tivoli, Auraria Campus downtown, http://coteenlitconf.wixsite.com/ctlc
- Have a BLAST this summer with "100 Things to do Before You're 12" from GOCO, https://generationwild.com.
- Election results are in and our new representatives have accepted their positions! Click here to find results.
- Experience the GT Worlds Fair, 5/5 at 4:00 at Wheat Ridge High. Students will present their passion through projects.
- For rising seniors it is time to visit colleges and make those top picks. Click here for info on planning an effective college visit.
- New principals have been chosen for these GT Center Schools. Westridge welcomes Jonathan Stein (prev AP from Kendallvue), Devinney welcomes Cathleen Brady (prev Dean at Devinney) and West Jeff Middle welcomes David Schoenhals (prev principal from Quest Academy, Aurora).
- Colorado School of Mines still has summer camp openings. Click here for more detail.
- CAGT Distinguished Student Award for kids aged 7-17. Three $500 awards. Applications due by June 15. For more information click here!
- Fall GT Center Testing application opens Aug. 1, 2018. Testing takes place Oct. 27 and Nov. 3. THERE WILL BE NO SPRING GT CENTER TESTING OR APPLICATION WINDOW IN 2019!