It is critical that GT parents are represented on every School Accountability Committees (SAC) to ensure that the needs of GT students are addressed.
It’s not a huge commitment. There’s no fundraising required and SACs generally meet only five times per year. JAGC can provide you with the data and support that you need to effectively fill this role. Your school is required to give notice of SAC meetings, so if meetings are not posted on your school website and meeting notices are not sent, contact your school and ask for this.
Contact your principal today and tell them you want to join your School Accountability Committee.
Advocacy Resources from CAGT
Advocacy Resources from NAGC
It’s not a huge commitment. There’s no fundraising required and SACs generally meet only five times per year. JAGC can provide you with the data and support that you need to effectively fill this role. Your school is required to give notice of SAC meetings, so if meetings are not posted on your school website and meeting notices are not sent, contact your school and ask for this.
Contact your principal today and tell them you want to join your School Accountability Committee.
- Colorado Dept. of Education document
Colorado Public School Accountability - Colorado Association for Gifted Children Advocacy Toolkit
- Jeffco Schools School Accountability Committee Resource Manual
Advocacy Resources from CAGT
Advocacy Resources from NAGC