Examples of Student Introductions for Teachers
Families have found it helpful to create (or have their child create) a one-page sheet about the child and their various accommodations to be able to give to teachers at the start of school. It can be formatted like a resume, with bullet points, with a focus on strengths, and skimmable so a substitute can absorb the information quickly. For younger kids, laminating a copy to stay in the backpack is an idea.
For Teachers: 7 Questions to Ask Parents at the Beginning of the Year
- What do you see as your child’s greatest strengths or skills? Tell me about a time when you saw your child demonstrating these skills.
- Next June, what do you hope your child says about his/her experience in school this year? What’s the story you hope he/she will tell?
- What was your experience like in this grade? How do you remember that year of school?
- What are your fears or concerns about your child in this year of school?
- How and when would you like me to be in touch with you this year? What do you hope I’ll communicate with you about?
- Is there anything else you can tell me about your child that you think would help me support his/her learning?
- Is there a question you hope I’ll ask you about your child?