Annual JAGC Elections
Nominations accepted April 1-April 21, 2024
If there are more nominations than open seats, election voting by JAGC members will occur April 27-May 11, 2024
Greetings JAGC Community,
This is official notification that the nominating process for our upcoming Board of Directors election is now open. All JAGC members in good standing are eligible to nominate someone and/or yourself for one of the openings on the JAGC board.
Membership in JAGC includes joint membership in CAGT (Colorado Association for Gifted and Talented). Combined dues are $40 annually and membership in JAGC and CAGT runs concurrent to the school year. Both are valid from September until August of the following year.
This is official notification that the nominating process for our upcoming Board of Directors election is now open. All JAGC members in good standing are eligible to nominate someone and/or yourself for one of the openings on the JAGC board.
Membership in JAGC includes joint membership in CAGT (Colorado Association for Gifted and Talented). Combined dues are $40 annually and membership in JAGC and CAGT runs concurrent to the school year. Both are valid from September until August of the following year.
Open Board Positions
This year there are six Member-at-Large positions subject to election. All positions are two-year terms starting July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2026. After the election, the newly seated board will select who on the board will serve on the Executive Committee (President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer) for the next year.
In order to be eligible for election, a member must be in good standing (annual dues of $40 paid for the current year). All members are eligible for election to the board. JAGC By-Laws mandate that the Executive Committee shall always consist of:
--At least three-fourths (¾) of parents of children with Advanced Learning Plans currently or previously in Jefferson County Public Schools.
--The total number of At-Large Board members shall consist of at least two-thirds (⅔) parents of gifted children.
--Employees of Jeffco Public Schools are excluded from serving on the Executive Committee due to the possible appearance of conflicts of interest.
Board Duties
Board members are expected to abide by the By-Laws of the Association and attend in-person monthly meetings during the school year from August to May and a yearly one-day retreat typically in July. Please refer to the Roles and Tasks document for additional responsibilities and duties.
To Apply for a Board Position
A JAGC Board of Director application should be filled out and emailed to the Nominating Committee Chair. Nominations for open positions will be accepted April 1 through April 21, 2024. Someone from the nominating committee will reach out to discuss your application. If approved by the nominating committee, you will go up for approval by the current JAGC board. If approved by the JAGC board, and if there are more nominations than open seats, you will be asked to write a short bio for the election slate. If there are fewer nominations than open seats, you will be seated as a board member at our next board meeting.
Voting - Only if more nominations are received than open positions
Official voting for the election will take place electronically with ballots sent to emails of record of JAGC members. Votes will be accepted April 27 - May 11, 2024. Further details of the voting process will be sent to JAGC members at a later date.
Please feel free to email the Committee Chair or [email protected] should you have any questions.
Thank you for your interest in gifted and talented advocacy.
JAGC Nomination Committee
This year there are six Member-at-Large positions subject to election. All positions are two-year terms starting July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2026. After the election, the newly seated board will select who on the board will serve on the Executive Committee (President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer) for the next year.
In order to be eligible for election, a member must be in good standing (annual dues of $40 paid for the current year). All members are eligible for election to the board. JAGC By-Laws mandate that the Executive Committee shall always consist of:
--At least three-fourths (¾) of parents of children with Advanced Learning Plans currently or previously in Jefferson County Public Schools.
--The total number of At-Large Board members shall consist of at least two-thirds (⅔) parents of gifted children.
--Employees of Jeffco Public Schools are excluded from serving on the Executive Committee due to the possible appearance of conflicts of interest.
Board Duties
Board members are expected to abide by the By-Laws of the Association and attend in-person monthly meetings during the school year from August to May and a yearly one-day retreat typically in July. Please refer to the Roles and Tasks document for additional responsibilities and duties.
To Apply for a Board Position
A JAGC Board of Director application should be filled out and emailed to the Nominating Committee Chair. Nominations for open positions will be accepted April 1 through April 21, 2024. Someone from the nominating committee will reach out to discuss your application. If approved by the nominating committee, you will go up for approval by the current JAGC board. If approved by the JAGC board, and if there are more nominations than open seats, you will be asked to write a short bio for the election slate. If there are fewer nominations than open seats, you will be seated as a board member at our next board meeting.
Voting - Only if more nominations are received than open positions
Official voting for the election will take place electronically with ballots sent to emails of record of JAGC members. Votes will be accepted April 27 - May 11, 2024. Further details of the voting process will be sent to JAGC members at a later date.
Please feel free to email the Committee Chair or [email protected] should you have any questions.
Thank you for your interest in gifted and talented advocacy.
JAGC Nomination Committee