Monthly Parent Gifted & Talented Chats 2022-2023Via Zoom - third Wednesdays, 7-8 PMJoin JAGC to discuss gifted & talented topics, ask questions, and engage with other parents. These sessions will not be recorded.
Register HERE (up to 1 hour prior to the meeting) Email [email protected] to suggest topics and ask questions. Monthly topics: Sept. 20 - Ask Us Anything/beginning of year questions Oct. 19 - Conferences, advanced learning plans Nov. 16 - GT school choices, CoGAT testing --Dec. 21 - No chat this month for holiday break-- Jan. 18, 2023 - New to GT? What Families Need to Know Feb. 15 --CANCELLED-- March 15 - Early access and young gifted children, general topics April 19 - Social emotional support of gifted children |
About JAGC: The Jefferson Association for Gifted Children is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) providing leadership and support to families and educators of advanced (gifted and talented) young people in Jefferson County, Colorado.