All About Advanced Learning Plans (ALPs) WebinarWednesday, October 5, 2022, 7-8 PMJoin JAGC to learn about Advanced Learning Plans, parent/family roles in the process, Colorado law for ALPs, how to write an ALP and what should be included, working with your student's teacher, and more.
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About JAGC: The Jefferson Association for Gifted Children is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) providing leadership and support to families and educators of advanced (gifted and talented) young people in Jefferson County, Colorado.
Heather Groff, Gifted & Talented teacher Jana Betlach, administrator and teacher ALP Guidance from the CDE Office on Gifted Education: Parents are a required participant in the ALP process and monitoring a student's progress. They are members of the ALP team and receive notification of the ALP development. If you are not notified about your student's ALP, ask to be involved. Questions for parents to ask:
The ALP needs to have meaning to your child and to you. It is not just a piece of paper, it is a guide to help your student grow and develop into the person they have the potential to be. It takes a partnership with you, your child, and your child's teacher to make the ALP become a living document. |
Colorado Dept. of Education Advanced Learning Plans Jeffco GT Dept. presentation: Understanding the ALP ALPs in Jefferson County Jeffco ALP Timeline